Thursday, September 25, 2014

Funding a crafts workshop for people with special needs

Buna ziua din Moldova!!  This blog posting is focused on raising money to help people with special needs gain employment in order for them to support themselves and their families.  

People with special needs are just like other human beings.  Some have a disability that is visible to others – such as blindness, confinement to a wheelchair, deafness, etc.  You might feel sorry for them, but they are the lucky ones.  Many other handicapped people have much more severe conditions and require constant care and attention.  The lucky ones, however, have one thing that is not disabled …. they have their brains! 

Their brains are normal and healthy, fully capable of learning and applying new-found knowledge.  With some additional tools and techniques, they can demonstrate a full range of aptitudes and talents.  Unfortunately, they have had to overcome various obstacles that get in the way of their progress – from outright prejudice to shameful neglect.  The good news is Moldova has passed legislation that supports and protects the rights of disabled people.  (The term "disabled" is the standard term used in Moldova and in its documentation.)

My partner organization has launched a project to train people with special needs in entrepreneurship, vocational training, and life skills.  One of our key goals is to equip crafts studios/workshops where disabled people can acquire/hone their creative talents to produce arts and crafts for sale.  These facilities offer them a dedicated place to practice their skills, create quality products, and sell them in the marketplace.  To that end, we've set up a project site on Peace Corps' website to solicit contributions from families, friends, and other interested parties. The Soros Foundation is supplying the majority of the project funding, but we're just shy about $3,500 to ensure full provisions for our workshop.  

Working on crafts at a center for disabled

 All donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent of the federal and local laws.  The full description of the project and details on how to make a donation can be found on this link:

Traditional institutions for people with special needs do not capitalize on their strengths nor do they nurture their capabilities. This project strives to change that paradigm.  I'm a firm believer that disabled people, while they may need a helping hand, also need an enabling hand because they do have abilities beyond their apparent disabilities.  They just want to make a decent living and live independently if they can.  We're helping them to realize those goals.

If this project speaks to you and you can help out, please click on the link above and make a donation in any amount.  I'd be very grateful!!  If you've already made a donation, thank you so much!  Mulţumesc!

Barbara Jue
Peace Corps Volunteer
Small Enterprise Development
Republic of Moldova

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